Sketchfab Beautification Textures

    Sketchfab Beautification Textures 201.130+

    Game version
    Ever since Starmadedock has had Sketchfab integration I have been interested in improving the look of the 3D models that we can import into it. While only a few players will go through the effort of importing their ships into Sketchfab I have also noticed that when they do they very often just do a straight import. This can cause the model to not look its best and can come off as amateur. So I've created some handy textures to help beautify the your models!

    Here is an example of the difference between a lazy import model and a model using these textures!

    Each pack comes with instructions on how to use each texture in sketchfab. I am also in the process of creating a tutorial video showing you exactly how to make your models look better.

    Note: If you are having trouble uploading your model to sketchfab with these textures due to the 50mb upload limit (for free users) just upload your model's .obj file first. You can import these textures later. The only thing that matters is the initial upload is <50mb.

    Please follow this Thread. I tend to post information regarding sketchfab as well as post updates to this pack.

    This pack includes:
    console.png +Emission & Normal Maps
    lightbar.png & 2 + Emission Map
    t000.png+Normal, Emission, & Specular Maps
    t001.png+Normal, Emission, & Specular Maps
    t002.png+Normal, Emission, & Specular Maps
    Usage Instructions
    First release
    Last update
    0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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