INSE -- "Apollo's Bow" Experimental Warp Gate

    INSE -- "Apollo's Bow" Experimental Warp Gate Prototype

    Game version
    *Power 2.0 revision passed*

    Important: 2 for the price of 1!! (comes with a lighthouse warp beacon, aka it has a 0x0 warp gate, completely useless except for exits, just connect it as normal and it should work)

    A highly experimental space station, built on a budget and in tight time constraints. it only has the bare minimums and is far from the bustling exploration port it's designers envisioned it to be.

    Despite that, Apollo nonetheless achieves what was once though impossible, bending the very fabric of reality to the will of its wielder.

    Using a state-of-the art capital-sized fusion reactor and powerful coils made of exotic materials it can create a wormhole between two points in space, enabling instantaneous travel between them, no matter how far apart they may be. (current power generation systems only allow for a range of approximately 10ly)

    It's first user was a lighthouse warp beacon, a similarly experimental piece of equipment that was transported to the Alpha Centauri star system 4.34 seconds after gate activation as part of the Arrowhead Project.

    PROJECT ARROWHEAD:___________________________________________________
    • Originally established in 2051 by the United Nations Space Agency(UNSA), it’s main objective was that of taking a human, safe and well, to the nearby star system of Proxima Centauri. This plan was carried out in several phases:
    • Phase 1:Sending a scientific probe to Proxima, this was accomplished by the starprobe Icarus 2, using next-generation MPD(MagnetoPlasmaDynamic) thrusters, and a beamed power network, to accelerate it to a significant portion of the speed of light, and arrived in-system in 2069, 18 years after it’s launch at Cape Canaveral.
      • The Icarus 1 was a probe launched in 2049 which tested the propulsion system in a 2 year round trip around the Kuiper Belt punching asteroids with nukes to see what would happen.
    • Phase 2: establishing a foothold in the system, using a highly efficient beamed power fusion engine to accelerate a 60 ton Construction drone to a relatively high orbit around Proxima’s asteroid belt, then it would begin constructing a research station with the materials available, estimated to be compleated in 2 years. Never compleated, it would have launched in late 2054 and was expected to arrive in 2070.
    • Phase 3: Sending a crewed spacecraft to Proxima Centauri, Becasue of the extreme travel times involved (upwards of 16 years, even with more powerful and efficient engines), either a gargantuan spacecraft with a comparatively small crew or some sort of suspended animation chamber would be required, as well as a highly capable AI to manage the entire thing and ensure the crew’s survival.
    • This phase was drafted, but the department was never created before the UNSA’s dissolution and absorption into the INSA
    • With the onset of the Belt wars in 2054, a conflict that began when tensions between several corporations in the solar system devolved into a full war, demanding the attention of the entire United Nations. The resolution of the conflict in 2056 was a messy affair.
      • By the end of the war, a multitude of different colony-states and eventually full nations emerged, some compleately independent form their Earth origins, some formed by the corporations themselves, their rebellious employees, or a combination of both, all demanding representation in the United Nations. It was complicated.
    • The UN itself, due to several factors including infighting, economic sanctions and the such lead to the disbandment of the venerable institution to create the much larger and more effective International Union (or INU) and it’s subsidiary, the International Space Agency (INSA).
    • “Thanks” to the war, several technologies had been developed and thoroughly tested, sometimes too much (see: Geneva Convention):
      • The one that matters to us was the discovery of a wormhole-like phenomenon at the edges of the Jupiter system, the epicenter of the war, though it lasted only a month, it was more than enough time to gather invaluable scientific data which in time allowed for the creation of a variety of space technologies, including jump drives and energy shields(more on them later).
    • The Reborn Project Arrowhead, reestablished in 2064 by the INSA, aimed at achieving the same goal, but through modern technologies.
    • Phase 1: Compleated, see the former Project Arrowhead
    • Phase 2: Construction of a Jump Gate between Jupiter and Saturn(where the gravitational interference was minimal, but travel time remained reasonable). Construction of the Gate, as well as ancillary facilities and infrastructure was estimated to take 9 years. - Phase complete, slightly behind schedule in 2072.
    • Phase 3: Sending an unmanned probe through the gate and await conformation of successful jump. - Compleated in 2076.
    • Phase 4: Sending a near-light support vessel with capability of constructing a return gate and offfer aid to the Arrow if Necessary. - Compleated by the “INEC Commonwealth” in 2077.
    • Phase 5: Construction of a Jump-reted vessel which could test the jump-gate and meet the INEC Commonwealth Once in-system, which it would explore while the other vessel assembled a return gate.
    Length: 41m
    Width: 51m
    Height: 99m

    Power: 21,750 e/sec, 100% Efficiency
    Shields: none
    TWR: N/A

    1 cycleable airlocks.
    1x USD
    2 massive glowy radiators
    8 radiators for the supercomputers
    Nav lights
    enough storage space to replace the entire ring and reactor if need be.


    Front of the Bow


    "vista alçada"

    Reactor(look at that scrumptious plumbing, hmmm...)

    Achilles docked with Apollo before it's historical, yet tragic voyage.

    The lighthouse Warp Beacon (aka it has a 0x0 warp gate, completely useless except for exits)


    The Mainframe

    Cupola for observation

    In between modules

    simple station, simple airlock.
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