Cowboy Bebop Swordfish MKII

    Cowboy Bebop Swordfish MKII RC 1

    Hey Space Cowboy

    Thank you for checking this ship out! I put quite a bit of work into her, as a long time fan of the Cowboy Bebop series I really felt she deserved the extra effort to logic everything up. Below is a video that shows what she can do via rails etc.

    I also left some space for you to fill any systems in you wanted, I left it with a tiny amount of shields(they weren't a thing in the show). But I left space for you to fill in whatever you like.

    This is my first replica ship I've ever made, so I'd love to get your feedback in reviews! I'm also considering doing the red-tail as well as the others in the future.

    See You Space Cowboy!
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    4.67 star(s) 12 ratings

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    a.w.e.s.o.m.e! all i need now are some bell peppers and beef :D
    Happy to see such an amazing build of this ship. I was working on my own a while back before the logic and rails were added. Really hope you do the Redtail next.
    A ship with no shields are you kidding? "they weren't a thing in the show"...shields could be seen like struct itg since the animation is always next to the blocks.
    I left space specifically for people to add shields to the ship if they wanted them. I personally was attempting to keep the ship as close to the show as possible. I'm sorry that this was a deal breaker for you, but the ship isn't meant to be super combat effective, it was meant to be as accurate a "model" of the ship in detail and form as possible. I hope this explains it, but I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the ship.
    Very nice work, love the cockpit.
    Thanks! The cockpit took quite a bit of work :P Thankfully Knex helped me out with the logic to make it all work smoothly :) Glad you liked it!
    All I can say is Awesome!!! Well maybe I hope you can make the Bebop/Red tail?
    I've already started on the Red Tail(I'll actually be buckling down on it next week) and am streaming it. I'll not be streaming the redtail build this week as I've got another thing I need to do, but feel free to join me each weeknight at 9pm EST at:
    I had a simultaneous nerdgasm and weeaboogasm when I saw this.
    Imagine what I had when I was building it! Glad you liked it!
    Where are the cup holders? 7/10
    You gotta balance it on the console :P Spike got angry and ripped them out :P
    We need more SC in this world.
    I love it!!
    Its great.... describing how great it is is just extraneous to the point of redundancy