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    BLI Alixandra Outpost 2018-08-29

    Game version
    Hello. This project took me some time to get to this stage. I'm vary proud that this came out so well. Enjoy now for some details. The entrances are as follows. The first are the docking tethers. They have 6 docking ports. 5 would be available for just about any size ship could dock to it. The second is the landing pads near the Observation dome. The third an lasts is the docking bays underneath the station. A heavy Isanth could fit to give you a idea of how much space is there. For now there are 3 logic elevators working. One on each end of the station. Then the Center one. Each are wireless. I have logic gravity for now till i understand the newer way of doing that. Now for the rooms. The outer ring consist of barracks a and b on the opposite side. 2 empty rooms on each side. Now for the inner station. Level 1 has Medical, A dining room no kitchen, 4 empty rooms. Level 2 is the Factory's. Level 3 I Teleport Pads, 2 Restaurants, 2 empty rooms. Level 4 is Too simple. Glass Storage Crates. Level 5 Command Observation. In command observation are controls for the blast doors. Each should be labeled. Now the defense. 8 BLI GI Bb Nova's, 20 BLI Skylord Luke TRADE STATION ETA REMASTERED V0.5 PTD's, 8 BLI Skylord Luke TRADE STATION ETA REMASTERED V0.5 Main cannon's, 2 BLI Goliath turret's. Im writing out all of ware i got my designs.

    The Center elevator is not linked. sorry. Its labeled. There should be no issues after. The storage pulls will also need changing.

    Till All Are One.
    Please give feed back.
    Thank you.
    First release
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    I like it's general shape, but the central ring/octogon could use some detailing like there is on the bottom of the station
    Ill keep that in mind. for a update. Thank you.