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    Battlestar Gaius 1.0

    The Battlestar Gaius is a battleship/carrier hybrid that combines heavy firepower and a sizable drone swarm. The ship comes with a full interior, for easy updating for the quarters update, complete with over 150 beds, multiple mess halls/rec rooms and various work stations through the interior.

    The ship's armaments include:

    -Twin linked ion cannon/cannon

    -Sextuple linked punch through cannon/cannon

    -2 Ion missile/beam barrage

    -2 Explosive missile/beam barrage

    -Explosive missile/cannon barrage

    -Explosive missile/pulse barrage

    -4 long range missile/beam turrets

    -11 twin linked cannon/cannon turrets (with an overdrive effect)

    -28 anti-missile turrets

    -8 groups of 7 fighter-drones located on the main flight pod decks(can be launched individually)

    -2 groups of 9 bomber-drones, launching through the side doors of the flight pods.

    The Gaius also features a jump drive and jump inhibitor.

    Mass: 109,141.898 (116,565.602 w/rails)
    L: 365, H: 43, W: 163
    Power: 27,985 (4,726,301.1 e/sec)
    Thrust: 84,435.102
    Shields: 14,932,320 (250,288 s/sec)

    Structure HP: 51,961,185
    Armour HP: 23,613,225
    Damage penalty: 1.9

    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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