Celotown777's latest activity

    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to TheDerpGamerX's resource Contracts 2 with Like Like.
      Adds contracts for improved player and NPC interaction. Contracts can be taken and added from the new contracts tab in the shop menu...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to DeepspaceMechanic's resource Model-129 space revolver with Like Like.
      The Model-129 ...slowest revolver of the West, but the fastest in StarMade! ;) Named after the Smith & Wesson Model 29, and because of...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to StarMade Lover's resource Archonis II with Like Like.
      Semi-modular mid-sized shipyard, designed for easy mass production and fleet generation. Rooms for 4 people, relies on shipments of food...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to Paul_van_Hummel's resource USS Voyager NCC 74656 with Like Like.
      Here A long overdue upload of my version of the Voyager, It's almost done, but because of lack of time, not finished with the logic of...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to colonel lacu's resource CRS-Helsset with Like Like.
      I was looking for ideas what to build and saber suggested a blockade runner. The ship is mainly focused on shield capacity and speed...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to DeepspaceMechanic's post in the thread CYBERSPACE SHIPYARDS with Like Like.
      Thanks, glad you find it appealing :) Back then, I personally used to commit certain design flaws that I since learned to avoid, but...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to DeepspaceMechanic's resource Karkadann-class frigate with Like Like.
      This upload is a package (RAR file) of the blueprints (sment files) of two color variants of the same ship, and of its compact escape...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to DeepspaceMechanic's resource The mother of all core rooms? with Like Like.
      This upload is a sment file of a ship entity consisting merely of a core access room. Taken from a titan project started and abandoned...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to Fell Skyhawk's resource LEGO Life on Mars T-3 Trike with Like Like.
      The human trike rover in LEGO Life on Mars. I made this mostly for reference while building the Solar Explorer, but it came out so well...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to Fell Skyhawk's resource LEGO Life on Mars Solar Explorer with Like Like.
      This is the human space shuttle in the LEGO Life on Mars sets for the human mission to Mars. I added a fuel tank and boosters in the...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to FallenAngel645's resource FK - Heavy Stealth Fighter with Like Like.
      First real attempt at making a smaller ship, I'm so used to building frigates and dreadnaughts. If you have any suggestions please let...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to Tshara's resource WS Bread Box with Like Like.
      Jokingly named the Bread Box the name stuck. Now this boxy drop ship is the main work horse for rapid delivery of goods to planetary...
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to Tshara's post in the thread Wild Space Explorers with Like Like.
      Bricks in Space!
    • Celotown777
      Celotown777 reacted to Asgardia's resource EH Shuttle Fighter with Like Like.
      This is a small fighter that can double as a small shuttle. Armed with dual beams, dual cannons, and a singular missile stack it can...